SL 322-2013
The guidelines for water resources assessment of construction projects (English Version)

Standard No.
SL 322-2013
Chinese, Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
Professional Standard - Water Conservancy
SL 322-2013
SL/Z 322-2005
This standard specifies the basic requirements for the preparation of water resource demonstration reports, is applicable to the preparation and review of water resources demonstration reports for various construction projects, and guides the preparation of technical standards for water resource demonstration for industry construction projects.

SL 322-2013 Referenced Document

  • CJ 343 Wastewater quality standards for discharge to municipal sewers
  • CJ 42 Industrial water appraisal indices and calculation methods
  • GB 24789 General provisions on equipping and managing of the measuring instrument of water in organization of water using
  • GB 3838 Environmental quality standards for surface water
  • GB 50027 Standard for hydrogeological investigation of water-supply
  • GB 50335 Code for design of municipal wastewater reclamation and reuse*2016-08-18 Update
  • GB/T 12452 General principles of water balance test*2022-07-11 Update
  • GB/T 14848 Standard for groundwater quality*2017-10-14 Update
  • GB/T 25173 Code of practice for computation on allowable permitted assimilative capacity of water bodies
  • GB/T 7119 Evaluating guide for water saving enterprises*2018-12-28 Update
  • SL 104 Regulation for water conservancy computation of water projects*2015-05-21 Update
  • SL 183 Technical standard for groundwater monitoring
  • SL 219 Regulation for water environmental monitoring*2013-12-16 Update
  • SL 278 Regulation for hydrologic computation of water resources and hydropower projects(explanation)
  • SL 395 Technological regulations for surface water resources quality assessment
  • SL 429 Technical specincation for the analysis of supply and demand balance of water resources
  • SL 525 Guidelines for assessment of water-draw and utilization in construction projects of water resources and hydropower
  • SL 532 Technical guidelines for management of pollution discharge outlets
  • SL/T 238 A guide to water resources assessment(explanation)

SL 322-2013 history

  • 2013 SL 322-2013 The guidelines for water resources assessment of construction projects
  • 2005 SL/Z 322-2005 Guidelines for assessment of water-draw and utilization in construction projects

SL 322-2013 The guidelines for water resources assessment of construction projects has been changed from SL/Z 322-2005 Guidelines for assessment of water-draw and utilization in construction projects.

The guidelines for water resources assessment of construction projects

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