ASME PTC 6.2-2004
Steam Turbines in Combined Cycles

Standard No.
ASME PTC 6.2-2004
Release Date
Published By
American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Replace By
ASME PTC 6.2-2011
ASME PTC 6.2-2011(R2016)
This Code may be used for testing steam turbines in combined cycles with or without supplementary firing and in cogeneration applications. Within these categories of combined and cogeneration cycles, this Code is applicable to condensing and noncondensing steam turbines, to reheat and nonreheat steam turbines, and to induction/ extraction steam turbines. The variety of cycles presents challenges in writing a code that addresses all issues encountered for all cycle configurations. ASME PTC 6 is the appropriate code for testing steam turbines in nuclear and fossil- fired regenerative feedwater heater cycles. This Code is applicable only to turbines in cycles in which steam is the working fluid. This Code provides procedures for testing and calculating turbine-generator output performance corrected to reference conditions as a measure of overall turbine performance. This Code contains rules and procedures for the conduct and reporting of steam turbine testing, including requirements for pretest arrangements, testing techniques, instrumentation, methods of measurement, and methods for calculating test results and uncertainty.

ASME PTC 6.2-2004 history

Steam Turbines in Combined Cycles

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