ISO 7372:2005
Trade data interchange - Trade data elements directory

Standard No.
ISO 7372:2005
Release Date
Published By
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
ISO 7372:2005
The standard data elements included in this Directory are intended to facilitate an open interchange of data in international trade. These standard data elements can be used with any method for data interchange on paper documents as well as with other means of data processing and communication: they can be selected for transmission one by one, or used within a particular system of interchange rules, e.g. the United Nations rules for Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport (UN/EDIFACT), developed within the UN/CEFACT of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) and published as International Standard ISO9735. This Directory has been compiled by the TDED Maintenance Agency (see Section 2 below), on the basis of the work within this UN/CEFACT, as well as work within other Maintenance Agency members as specially WCO and IMO. This edition has been adopted by Technical Committee ISO/TC 154 and the UN/CEFACT.

ISO 7372:2005 history

  • 2005 ISO 7372:2005 Trade data interchange - Trade data elements directory
  • 1993 ISO 7372:1993 Trade data elements directory; UNTDED 1993; volume 1: standard data elements
  • 1986 ISO 7372:1986 Trade data interchange; Trade data elements directory
Trade data interchange - Trade data elements directory

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