STAS 6182/42-1983
WIN Identification of synthetic sweetening agents

Standard No.
STAS 6182/42-1983
Release Date
Published By
STAS 6182/42-1983
Prezentul standard stabile?te metodele de identificare a zaharinei (imida acidului O-sulfobenzoic), dulcinei (p-etoxifeniluree), ciclamatului (ciclohexilsulfamat) ?i 2-n propoxi-2-amino-4-nitrobenzen (P-4000) ad?uga?i ca ?ndulcitori sintetici ?n vin ?i ?n

STAS 6182/42-1983 history

STAS 6182/42-1983 -All Parts

STAS 6182/1-1979 WINE Determination of total acidity STAS 6182/10-1989 WINE Iron determination STAS 6182/11-1971 WINE Dctermination of ash alkalin!ty STAS 6182/12-1977 WINE Determination of sulphates STAS 6182/13-1972 WINE Determination of sulphurous anhydridc STAS 6182/14-1972 WIXK Dotormination of pH-valun STAS 6182/15-1987 WINE Determination of total ascorbic acid and active ascorbic acid STAS 6182/16-1986 WINE Sorbitol determination STAS 6182/17-1981 WINE Determination of sucrose STAS 6182/18-1981 WINE Determination of reducing sugar STAS 6182/19-1990 W JNK Detcrmination of coppcr content STAS 6182/2-1986 WIJSIE Volatile acidity determination STAS 6182/21-1973 WINE Determination of lactic acid STAS 6182/22-1981 WINE Determination of tin STAS 6182/23-1973 WINE Determination of sodium content STAS 6182/24-1973 WINE Determination of glycerol STAS 6182/25-1973 WIN E Determination of soluble dry niatter by muans of refractometcr STAS 6182/26-1989 WINE Citric acid determination STAS 6182/27-1990 WINE Determinat ion of raalic acid content STAS 6182/28-1989 WINE Arsenic determination STAS 6182/3-1970 WINE Detei'mination of asii content STAS 6182/30-1974 WINE Determination of potassium STAS 6182/31-1974 WINE Determination of chlorides STAS 6182/32-1974 WINE Determination of calcium STAS 6182/33-1974 WINE Determination of magnesium STAS 6182/34-1974 WINE Determination of tartaric acid STAS 6182/35-1975 WINE Determination of chromatic characteristics STAS 6182/36-1975 WINE Determination of carbonic anhy- dride STAS 6182/37-1975 WINE Determination of carbonic anhy- dride STAS 6182/38-1975 WINE Determination of to- tal phosphorus STAS 6182/39-1975 WINE Determination of benzoic acid STAS 6182/4-1979 WINE Determination of total nitrogen content STAS 6182/40-1975 WINE Determination of methanol STAS 6182/41-1975 WINK Microbiological analysis STAS 6182/42-1983 WIN Identification of synthetic sweetening agents STAS 6182/43-1976 WINE Identification of mannitol STAS 6182/44-1977 WIN E Determination of proteins STAS 6182/45-1977 WINE Determination of tannins STAS 6182/46-1976 V/INE Determination of total polyalchools STAS 6182/47-1977 Wiue DKTERMIXATION OF KTI1Y1. ACETATE STAS 6182/48-1985 WINEMAKING Ammonia determinalion STAS 6182/49-1982 WINE Determination of cyanic derivates STAS 6182/50-1983 WINE Dctermination of succinic acid STAS 6182/51-1983 WINE Detcrmination of 2,3 butane-diole STAS 6182/52-1988 WINE Diethyle glycol determination STAS 6182/6-1970 WINE Dutermination of alcohol ethyl content STAS 6182/8-1971 WINE Determination of density STAS 6182/9-1980 WINE Determination of total dry extract

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