STAS 6123/1-1973
SEEDS FOR AGRIGULTURE Determinai ion of the mass of 1000 grains

Standard No.
STAS 6123/1-1973
Release Date
Published By
STAS 6123/1-1973
1 "Prezentul standard stabile?te metodele de determinarea masei a 1000 semin?e la loturile destinate ?ns?m?n??rilor, consumului alimentar, furajer ?i industrial. 2 Prin aceste metode se determin?: — masa relativ? a 1000 semin?e; — masa absolut? a

STAS 6123/1-1973 history

  • 1973 STAS 6123/1-1973 SEEDS FOR AGRIGULTURE Determinai ion of the mass of 1000 grains

STAS 6123/1-1973 -All Parts

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