GA 40-2008
The filing document of road traffic accident (English Version)

Standard No.
GA 40-2008
Chinese, Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
Professional Standard - Public Safety Standards
Replace By
GA 40-2018
GA 40-2018
GA 40-2004
This standard specifies the types, formats, production and filing requirements for road traffic accident file documents. This standard applies to work involving case files and documents in the handling of road traffic accidents.

GA 40-2008 Referenced Document

  • DA/T 12 The rule for fonds descriptive file*2012-11-15 Update
  • GB/T 9704 Layout key for official document of Party and government organs *2012-06-29 Update
  • GB/T 9705 The filing forms of administrative archives

GA 40-2008 history

  • 2018 GA 40-2018 The filing documents of road traffic accidents
  • 2008 GA 40-2008 The filing document of road traffic accident
  • 2004 GA 40-2004 The filing document of traffic accident
The filing document of road traffic accident

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