GB/T 22022-2008
Geographic information.Temporal schema (English Version)

Standard No.
GB/T 22022-2008
Chinese, Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China
GB/T 22022-2008
This standard defines the concept of describing the temporal characteristics of geographic information. This standard is based on the existing information technology standards for temporal information exchange, and provides the basis for defining temporal element attributes, element operations, element associations, and metadata for defining temporal characteristics of geographic information. This standard mainly considers the temporal characteristics of geographic information abstracted from the real world, and it emphasizes effective time rather than transaction processing time.

GB/T 22022-2008 Referenced Document

  • GB 3100-1993 SI units and recommendations for the use of their multiples and of certain other units
  • GB 3102.1-1993 Quantities and units of space and time
  • GB/T 18221-2000 Information technology-Programming languages,their environments and system software interfaces-Language-independent datatypes
  • GB/T 19710-2005 Geographic Information-Metadata
  • GB/T 7408-2005 Data elements and interchange formats-Information interchange-Representation of dates and times
  • ISO 19107 Geographic information — Spatial schema*2019-12-02 Update
  • ISO 19109 Geographic information - Rules for application schema*2015-12-01 Update
  • ISO 19110 Geographic information - Methodology for feature cataloguing*2016-11-30 Update
  • ISO 19111 Geographic information — Referencing by coordinates — Amendment 2*2023-05-01 Update
  • ISO/TS 19103 Geographic information - Conceptual schema language

GB/T 22022-2008 history

Geographic information.Temporal schema

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