NC 96-01-03-1988
Standards System for Fire Protection. Extinguishers. procedure for Deterniination of Needs, Exploitation and Location

Standard No.
NC 96-01-03-1988
Release Date
Published By
NC 96-01-03-1988
This standard establis es the procedure for determining the needs, location and operation of fire extinguis ers. This standard will be applied to all socio-economic objectives, as well as the objectives of associations and organizations of the private sector of the economy, housing buildings and other entities. In addition, it will apply to means of collective passenger and cargo transportation.

NC 96-01-03-1988 history

  • 1988 NC 96-01-03-1988 Standards System for Fire Protection. Extinguishers. procedure for Deterniination of Needs, Exploitation and Location

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