GB 1406.3-2003
Types and dimensions of prefocus caps (English Version)

Standard No.
GB 1406.3-2003
Chinese, Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China
Replace By
GB/T 1406.3-2008
GB/T 1406.3-2021
This standard is equivalent to the pre-focused lamp cap part in IEC 60061-1:2001 ((Lamp Caps, Lamp Holders and Their Gauge for Inspection Interchangeability and Safety Part 1: Lamp Caps). The main dimensions and inspection methods that must be followed for interchangeability and safety. Other dimensions not specified in the standard are determined by the designer.

GB 1406.3-2003 history

GB 1406.3-2003 Types and dimensions of prefocus caps was changed to GB/T 1406.3-2008 Types and dimensions of lamp caps.Part 3: Prefocus caps.

Types and dimensions of prefocus caps

GB 1406.3-2003 -All Parts

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