BS QC 400600:1990
Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment - Sectional specification: fixed surface mounting (chip) resistors

Standard No.
BS QC 400600:1990
Release Date
Published By
British Standards Institution (BSI)
Replace By
BS EN 60115-8:2012
BS EN 60115-8:2012
Prescribes preferred ratings and characteristics and selects from BS QC 400000 the appropriate quality assessment procedures, tests and measuring methods and gives general performance requirements for these types of resistor.

BS QC 400600:1990 history

  • 2012 BS EN 60115-8:2012 Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment. Sectional specification. Fixed surface mount resistors
  • 1990 BS QC 400600:1990 Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Fixed resistors for use in electronic equipment - Sectional specification: fixed surface mounting (chip) resistors

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