GB 16692-1996
Butane cylinders for portable butane cooker (English Version)

Standard No.
GB 16692-1996
Chinese, Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China
Replace By
GB 16691-2008
GB 16691-2008
This standard specifies the structure, size parameters, technical requirements, test methods, inspection and acceptance, marking, packaging, transportation and storage of butane gas cylinders for portable stoves (hereinafter referred to as gas cylinders). This standard is applicable to gas cylinders specially designed for portable stoves, filled with butane gas, and disposable. The gas cylinder specified in this standard and the stove specified in GB16691-1996 "Portable Butane Gas Stove" are supporting equipment.

GB 16692-1996 history

GB 16692-1996 Butane cylinders for portable butane cooker was changed to GB 16691-2008 Portable butance cookers and gas cylinders.

Butane cylinders for portable butane cooker

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