GB/T 15294-1994
Mininum performance requirements on high fidelity FM radio tuners (English Version)

Standard No.
GB/T 15294-1994
Chinese, Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China
GB/T 15294-1994
SJ/Z 9142.2-1987
This standard specifies the minimum performance requirements for high-fidelity FM broadcast tuners. This standard applies to FM broadcast tuners designed to receive FM broadcasts and mainly used in home high-quality playback systems.

GB/T 15294-1994 history

  • 1994 GB/T 15294-1994 Mininum performance requirements on high fidelity FM radio tuners

GB/T 15294-1994 Mininum performance requirements on high fidelity FM radio tuners has been changed from SJ/Z 9142.2-1987 Minimum performance requirement for high fidelity audio equipment--Part 2: FM radio tuners.

Mininum performance requirements on high fidelity FM radio tuners

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