ACI 325.5R-1990
Design of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement for Airports

Standard No.
ACI 325.5R-1990
Release Date
Published By
ACI - American Concrete Institute
ACI 325.5R-1990
PURPOSEThe purpose of this report is to present a design procedure for CRCP for airports. The design procedure consists of: (a) determining CRCP thickness@ (b) determining longitudinal reinforcement@ (c) determining transverse reinforcement@ and (d) designing terminal treatment. The thickness design procedure is based on the stipulation that the same slab thickness be used for CRCP as would be determined for plain jointed concrete pavement. The performance of earlier CRCP designed for airport use indicates that reduced thicknesses are not adequate. CRCP performance at airports has been quite good where the thickness of the CRCP was comparable to the thickness of plain jointed concrete pavement. ?

ACI 325.5R-1990 history

  • 1990 ACI 325.5R-1990 Design of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement for Airports
Design of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement for Airports

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