ABS 151 CORR-2012

Standard No.
ABS 151 CORR-2012
Release Date
Published By
ABS - American Bureau of Shipping
ABS 151 CORR-2012
"General Application The requirements in this Guide apply to vessels that are designed@ equipped and intended to operate in low temperature environments. Application of the requirements in this Guide is optional. When a vessel is designed@ equipped@ built and surveyed in accordance with this Guide@ and when found satisfactory@ a classification notation as specified in Subsection 1/3@ as appropriate@ may be granted. Those vessels that are designed to meet the requirements of an ice class are to meet Part 6@ Chapter 1@ ""Strengthening for Navigation in Ice"" of the ABS Rules for Building and Classing Steel Vessels (Steel Vessel Rules)@ the ABS Guide for Building and Classing Vessels Intended for Navigation in Polar Waters@ or other recognized ice class Rules prior to seeking the optional notation discussed in this Guide. Noting that the regional climatic conditions may vary@ this Guide provides notations directly related to the vessel's operating area. For example@ for vessels intended to operate in Polar regions (Arctic or Antarctic) on a year-round basis@ the requirements contained within the Guide differ from the requirements for a vessel operating in the Polar region only during the local summer period. Similarly@ other vessels may be non-ice class yet operate in low temperatures. The Guide also recognizes the fact that the vessels' intended operational profile may vary as some vessels are intended to operate with the assistance of an ice breaker and others are intended to operate independently. Accordingly@ the Guide provides requirements addressing the duration of emergency electrical power. This extended emergency power duration is expressed in hours and may be appended to the base optional class notations. Within this Guide@ ABS refers to relevant international regulations and standards that are considered to be applicable. It is recommended that the users of this Guide refer to the most recent text of those regulations and standards when applying the requirements of this Guide@ as it is the intent of the Guide to remain consistent with the pertinent international regulations and standards developed by the maritime industry. It is a prerequisite that ice class and non-ice class vessels' hull structural materials are to be selected based on the design service temperature and material class in accordance with 6-1-1/35 of the Steel Vessel Rules. Objective The objective of this Guide is to provide supplemental requirements that generally are not addressed by ice class Rules. Low temperature environments present numerous challenges related to operation of equipment@ systems@ structure@ vessel maintenance and safety equipment. Additionally@ the vessel's crew performance may be adversely affected. Vessels designed and constructed without addressing the effects of low temperatures may experience increased structural and equipment failures and nonfunctioning systems. Personnel performance will typically be reduced by the effects of low temperatures. Vessel systems and exposed structure designed and equipped in accordance with the requirements of this Guide may obtain a class notation indicating the vessel is designed to operate in a Low Temperature Environment which may include the presence of ice and/or at a design service temperature specified by the Owner. This Guide is intended for design service temperatures of ?C10??(14?? or less@ excluding ice class requirements@ if specified. It is recognized that vessels operating in low temperatures may have unique operating characteristics for which the requirements in this Guide may not be applicable. For such cases@ ABS is prepared to consider alternative arrangements@ provided substantiating information and/or a risk analysis is submitted for review. Users of this Guide may refer to Appendices 2 through 9 which provide non-mandatory notes in support of the requirements in Sections 2 through 9. Section and Paragraph numbers used throughout the Appendices refer to the relevant Sections and Paragraphs of the Guide."

ABS 151 CORR-2012 history

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