JT/T 559-2015
Dimensions series standards of cargo vessel for lower reaches of Zhujiang main river (English Version)

Standard No.
JT/T 559-2015
Chinese, Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
Professional Standard - Traffic
JT/T 559-2015
JT/T 559-2004
This standard specifies the series of main dimensions of self-propelled dry cargo ships, liquid cargo ships, container ships and self-unloading sand ships downstream of the Pearl River Main Line. This standard applies to cargo ships downstream of the Pearl River Main Line.

JT/T 559-2015 history

  • 2015 JT/T 559-2015 Dimensions series standards of cargo vessel for lower reaches of Zhujiang main river
  • 2004 JT/T 559-2004 Dimensions series standards of cargo vessel for Zhujiang mainriver
Dimensions series standards of cargo vessel for lower reaches of Zhujiang main river

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