DLA DSCC-DWG-83026 REV A-2002

Standard No.
DLA DSCC-DWG-83026 REV A-2002
Release Date
Published By
Defense Logistics Agency
Public reporting burden for,this collection is estimated to avera e 2 hours er response, includin the time for,reviewing instructions searching existin data sources, gathering and main?ainin the tata needed, and compgeting and reviewing the collection o+ information. Sen! comments regardin this burden estimaye or any other aspect of this col1ectio.n of information includina suaaestions for reducina this burden. to BeDartrnent of Defense. Washinaton Headauarters Services. Directorate 1. DATE (YYMMDD) 021010 for lnfoor'EnatiÖ?í Operations and Rëports 1215 'Jeffers'on Davis Hi hway Cuite 1204 Arlington' VA 22202-4301, and to the Office of Mana ement and Bud et Paperwork Reduction Pro'ect 8704-6188 Washh ton DC'20503. FORM TO THE GOVERNMENT ISSUING CONTRACTING OFFICER FOR THE CONTRACT/ PROCURING ACTIVITY NUMBER LISTED IN ITEM 2 OF THIS FORM.

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