KS B ISO 3002-2-2013(2018)
Basic quantities in cutting and grinding-Part 2:Geometry of the active part of cutting tools-General conversion formulae to relate tool and working angles

Standard No.
KS B ISO 3002-2-2013(2018)
Release Date
Published By
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS)
KS B ISO 3002-2-2013(2018)

KS B ISO 3002-2-2013(2018) history

  • 0000 KS B ISO 3002-2-2013(2018)
  • 2013 KS B ISO 3002-2:2013 Basic quantities in cutting and grinding-Part 2:Geometry of the active part of cutting tools-General conversion formulae to relate tool and working angles
  • 0000 KS B ISO 3002-2:2003

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