ADOPTED_FROM:EN 16954:2018 This draft European Standard specifies characteristics and appropriate test methods for slabs and cut to size products (cut to size slabs, special pieces, treads and risers) of agglomerated stones, which are made for use as flooring and stairs in pedestrian areas for internal and external uses including those in enclosed public transport premises. It also provides for the assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP) and marking of the products to the requirements of this draft European Standard. This draft European Standard covers tactility but only for products the intended use of which requires this performance. This draft European Standard does not cover visibility requirements. Rough slabs are excluded from the scope of this draft European Standard. Products covered by the standards EN 15285, EN 13198, EN 13748 1 and EN 13748 2 are also excluded from the scope of the present European Standard.
NS-EN 16954:2018 history
2018NS-EN 16954:2018 Agglomerated stone — Slabs and cut-to-size products for flooring and stairs (internal and external)