
Standard No.
Release Date
Published By
ANSI - American National Standards Institute
This standard presents: (1) a method where by compliance with packaging requirements may be obtained and documented; (2) guidance to be followed in the event of incidents that threaten package integrity: and (3) a plan for receivers to verify the integrity of delivered packages. It is not intended that this standard should be used as a detailed procedure. Rather@ techniques that have been successfully used and proved in practice are described illustrations of acceptable methodology. Purpose. The purpose of this standard is to set forth administrative guides and procedures which@ if followed@ will help to assure that radioactive materials shipments meet the applicable regulations and that personnel are protected from exposure to radiation during transport and unpack aging of such shipments. Rules published by regulatory agencies to assure safety in the transportation of radioactive materials have yielded the degree of protection expected of them.1 However@ unless systematic procedures are developed and followed explicitly@ an oversight may lead to improper packaging and@ consequently@ to a contamination or radiation-exposure incident. In addition@ the possibility of accidents that might alter package integrity requires procedures to protect packagers@ transporters@ receivers@ and the public. The complexity of current shipping regulations applied to the transport of radioactive material necessities a method that minimizes the change of human error. A checklist approach@ successfully demonstrated in practice@ is detailed in this standard. The use of the basic elements of this standard will promote more effective control as well as compliance with regulations. 1 Users of this standard should have current copies of Title 49@ Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)@ Parts 1 through 199@ and Title 10@ CFR@ Parts 20@ 30@40@70@ and 71@ which may be ordered from the U.S.Government Printing Office@ Washington@ D.C.20402. Numerous references to paragraphs in the U.S.Departmetn of Transportation (DOT) regulations are given herein. An alternative source for copies of DOT documents as well as related information is American Trucking Associations 1616 P Street@ NW@ Washington@ D.C. 20036.

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