NS-EN 4640-001:2009
Aerospace series — Connectors, optical, rectangular, rack and panel, multicontact, 1,25 diameter ferrule, with removable alignment sleeve holder — Part 001: Technical specification

Standard No.
NS-EN 4640-001:2009
Release Date
Published By
Standards Norway
NS-EN 4640-001:2009

ADOPTED_FROM:EN 4640-001:2009 This standard specifies the general characteristics, the conditions for qualification, acceptance and quality assurance, as well as the test programs and groups for rectangular multipin fibre optic connectors.

NS-EN 4640-001:2009 history

  • 2009 NS-EN 4640-001:2009 Aerospace series — Connectors, optical, rectangular, rack and panel, multicontact, 1,25 diameter ferrule, with removable alignment sleeve holder — Part 001: Technical specification

Standard and Specification

ASD-STAN PREN 4640-001:2007 Aerospace series Connectors, optical, rectangular, rack and panel, multicontact, 1,25 diameter ferrule, with removable alignment sleeve holder Part 001: Technical specification DANSK DS/EN 4640-001:2009 Aerospace series - Connectors, optical, rectangular, rack and panel, multicontact, 1,25 diameter ferrule, with removable alignment sleeve holder - Part 001: Technical specification EN 4640-001:2009 Aerospace series - Connectors, optical, rectangular, rack and panel, multicontact, 1,25 diameter ferrule, with removable alignment sleeve holder - Part 001: Technical specification NF L54-112-001*NF EN 4640-001:2009 Aerospace series - Connectors, optical, rectangular, rack and panel, multicontact, 1,25 diameter ferrule, with removable alignment sleeve holder - Part 001 : technical specification DS/EN 4640-001:2009 Aerospace series - Connectors, optical, rectangular, rack and panel, multicontact, 1,25 diameter ferrule, with removable alignment sleeve holder - Part 001: Technical specification LST EN 4640-001-2009 Aerospace series - Connectors, optical, rectangular, rack and panel, multicontact, 1,25 diameter ferrule, with removable alignment sleeve holder - Part 001: Technical specification ASD-STAN PREN 4640-001-2007 Aerospace series Connectors, optical, rectangular, rack and panel, multicontact, 1,25 diameter ferrule, with removable alignment sleeve holder Part 001: Technical specification (Edition P1) AECMA PREN 4640-001-2007 Aerospace series Connectors, optical, rectangular, rack and panel, multicontact, 1,25 diameter ferrule, with removable alignment sleeve holder Part 001: Technical specification Edition P1 UNE-EN 4640-001:2009 Aerospace series - Connectors, optical, rectangular, rack and panel, multicontact, 1,25 diameter ferrule, with removable alignment sleeve holder - Part 001: Technical specification (Endorsed

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