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Standard and Specification
DB36/T 1902-2023
Fluorescence quantitative PCR detection method of Pasteurella pneumophila in experimental animals (English Version)
DB36/T 1902-2023
Standard No.
DB36/T 1902-2023
Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
Jiangxi Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China
DB36/T 1902-2023
DB36/T 1902-2023 history
DB36/T 1902-2023
Fluorescence quantitative PCR detection method of Pasteurella pneumophila in experimental animals
Topics on standards and specifications
PCR fluorescence detection
pcr fluorescence detection
fluorescent quantitative pcr
Quantitative PCR
Fluorescence PCR relative quantification
pcr quantification
Quantitative fluorescent PCR
Fluorescence PCR quantification
Fluorescence PCR quantification
pcr fluorescence quantification
pcr fluorescence quantification
quantitative pcr fluorescence
Standard and Specification
农业部2259号公告-5-2015 Detection of genetically modified organisms and derived products.Technical guidelines for development of real-time quantitative PCR methods
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农业部2259号公告-1-2015 Detection of genetically modified plants and derived products.Technical specification for certified value assessment of matrix reference materials
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农业部2122号公告-1-2014 Detection of genetically modified animals and derived products.Target-taxon-specific qualitative PCR method for Sus scrofa
农业部2122号公告-8-2014 Detection of genetically modified plants and derived products.Quantitative PCR method for insect-resistant rice TT51-1 and its derivates
农业部2031号公告-14-2013 Detection of genetically modified animals and derived products.Target-taxon-specific qualitative PCR method for Bos taurus
农业农村部公告第111号-10-2018 Qualitative PCR method for detection of herbicide-tolerant soybean SYHTOH2 and its derivatives in transgenic plants and their products
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