GOST R 59773-2021
Functional safety of building/construction safety-related systems. Procedure for application of GOST 34332 set of standards. Examples of calculations

Standard No.
GOST R 59773-2021
Release Date
Published By
GOST R 59773-2021

This standard provides information and guidance on the application of requirements, recommendations and reference material to electrical, electronic, programmable electronic (E/E/PE) building safety related systems (E/E/PE SBES systems) and software. of these systems installed and presented in the set of standards GOST 34332, as well as examples of calculations. This standard is used in conjunction with the standards of the GOST 34332 complex. This standard does not apply to an E/E/PE SBZS system, which is the only single system capable of achieving the required risk reduction at the facility, and the required safety integrity of this system is lower than that determined by the safety integrity level (UPB) 1 - the lowest level given in GOST 34332.2–2017 (Tables 1 and 2). This standard is recommended for use by users of the standards of the GOST 34332 complex (legal entities and individuals whose actions affect the provision of functional safety of E/E/PE SBZS systems and ensuring the safety and anti-terrorist protection of objects at the stages of their life cycles)

GOST R 59773-2021 history

  • 2021 GOST R 59773-2021 Functional safety of building/construction safety-related systems. Procedure for application of GOST 34332 set of standards. Examples of calculations

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