Number Portability - Database and Global Title Translation

Standard No.
Release Date
Published By
ATIS - Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
"This document defines the necessary capabilities and functions which must be performed by a Number Portability Data Base (NPDB) application and a Number Portability (NP) Global Title Translation (GTT) function in support of number portability between wireline networks@ using the Location Routing Number (LRN) Method. Items not addressed by this document are left to be defined by the service provider and vendor. Additional assumptions and limitations are detailed in Clause 1.3. Number portability is a circuit switched network capability that allows an end user to move their North American Numbering Plan (NANP) number from one serving switch in a network to another serving switch in the same or different network while retaining their NANP number. NP is transparent to all end users. Requirements provided in this document address number portability using the LRN obtained from a centralized database to identify the recipient switch when numbers are ported. This document does not address number portability for subscribers with directory numbers that are also used for packet switched data. The requirements identified in this document are highly dependent on the service provider's network architecture and network capabilities. They are based upon reasonable assumptions about the capabilities and architectures for public switched telephony networks (PSTNs). They may be inappropriate for highly unique network architectures. It is the responsibility of the service provider to determine the applicability of these requirements for their network and to identify any additional or different requirements to their vendors. The term NPDB system is used in this document in a generic sense to imply an element in the network that runs the NPDB application. It does not imply that any specific platform requirements must be met@ other than what is explicitly specified in this document. Specific platform requirements are left to the service provider and vendor to define. This document supports NP for geographic numbers within the North American Numbering Plan (NANP). It does not support portability of non-geographic numbers (e.g.@ NPA 800)@ nor does it support portability of numbers outside the NANP. This document provides the NPDB application and NP GTT function requirements for service provider and location portability within a rate center. Number portability beyond a rate center and service portability is beyond the scope of this document. This document does not fully address requirements for porting between wireless networks@ nor requirements for porting between wireless and wireline networks. For requirements related to porting between wireless networks@ see references in Clause 2.4.2. The wireless switches follow the same network interface (i.e.@ signaling the LRN@ TCAP messaging@ etc.) as wireline switches in accordance with the signaling standards defined in ""Call Completion to a Portable Number@"" reference Clause 2.4.2. The wireless switches can access the NPDB information using signaling protocol described in IS-756 or T1.708 (see References@ Clause 2.4.2). No additional requirements have been identified for porting between Wireless Service Providers and Wireline Service Providers This document does not address the billing issues associated with identifying multiple service providers on the same switch (no service provider line attribute)@ especially when the number ports from one service provider to another on the same switch."

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