Voltage Levels for DC – Powered Equipment Used in the Telecommunications Environment (Pre-Pub)

Standard No.
Release Date
Published By
ATIS - Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
This standard establishes requirements@ and test procedures for voltage ranges and characteristics (i.e. transients and noise) associated with the input voltage of network telecommunications equipment powered from dc power systems in the telecommunications environment. This standard does not: ?Specify dc power plant voltage levels. ?Specify the voltage applied to the interface between the network and customer installations (i.e. network span voltages or voltages at the customer interface). ?Apply to equipment intended to be powered from the telecommunications span. Purpose The purpose of this standard is to specify: ?The steady-state dc input voltage ranges over which telecommunications load equipment (TLE) is required to operate when connected to the nominal voltage power plants addressed in this standard; ?Transient voltage tolerance requirements for telecommunications load equipment; ?Noise immunity for telecommunications load equipment; ?Limits for noise returned by the telecommunications load equipment; ?Voltage levels for uniform Mean-Time-Between-Failure (MTBF) calculations; ?Undervoltage requirements; ?Overvoltage requirements; ?Test procedures; ?Personnel hazards; and ?Marking This standard is intended to be applied to equipment designed and manufactured after the effective issue date of this standard. Nothing in this standard should be interpreted to require the retrofitting of existing telecommunications load equipment or power plants. This standard does not restrict the development or use of telecommunications architectures that use other voltage levels and ranges.

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