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Standard and Specification
AQ 9012-2023
Standards for emergency rescue assessment of production safety accidents (English Version)
AQ 9012-2023
Standard No.
AQ 9012-2023
Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
Professional Standard-Safe Production
AQ 9012-2023
This document applies to emergency rescue assessment work for production safety accidents established in accordance with the law.
AQ 9012-2023 Referenced Document
GB/T 29639
Guidelines for enterprises to develop emergency response plan for work place accidents
AQ 9012-2023 history
AQ 9012-2023
Standards for emergency rescue assessment of production safety accidents
Topics on standards and specifications
A biosafety incident is
security incident
Emergency response
production safety accident
emergency assessment
Evaluation Summary
Emergency plan for production safety accidents
Basic emergency drills for production safety accidents
secondary accident
Production Safety Accident Emergency Drill Evaluation
Standard and Specification
AQ 1008-2007 Mine rescue regulations
GB 28263-2012 Regulations of safety management for the manufacturing and marketing enterprise of civil explosives materials
GOST R 22.8.05-1999 Safety in emergencies. Emergency and rescue works at liquidation of consequences accidents on chemically hazardous objects. General requirements
CSA N288.2-14:2015 Guidelines for calculating the radiological consequences for the public of a release of radioactive material into the air in the case of nuclear reactor
AQ 7014-2018 New dry process cement production safety regulations
GOST R 22.8.05-2022 Safety in emergencies. Emergency and rescue works at chemically hazardous objects. General requirements
ANS 8.23-2019(R2024 Nuclear Criticality Accident Emergency Planning and Response
GB 30756-2014 Safety specification for nickel smelt production
GOST ISO 17840-1-2023 Motor vehicles. Information for emergency operational and emergency services. Part 1. Rescue card for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles
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