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Standard and Specification
GH/T 1441-2023
Technical regulations for the production of freeze-dried Cordyceps militaris (English Version)
GH/T 1441-2023
Standard No.
GH/T 1441-2023
Available in English version
Release Date
Published By
Professional Standard - Supply and Marketing Cooperative
GH/T 1441-2023
This document is applicable to the processing and production of fresh Cordyceps militaris fruiting bodies as raw materials using vacuum freeze-drying.
GH/T 1441-2023 history
GH/T 1441-2023
Technical regulations for the production of freeze-dried Cordyceps militaris
Topics on standards and specifications
Worm pupae
Golden Cordyceps
Cordyceps militaris content
Control Pupa
dried pupae
Standard and Specification
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EN 16620:2015 Food analysis - Determination of furan in coffee and coffee products by headspace gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (HS GC-MS
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