ESDU 88019 D-2007
Calculation methods for along-wind loading. Part 3. Response of buildings and plate-like structures to atmospheric turbulence.

Standard No.
ESDU 88019 D-2007
Release Date
Published By
ESDU - Engineering Sciences Data Unit
ESDU 88019 D-2007
ESDU 88019 provides a step-by-step calculation method for the loading@ accelerations and deflections of buildings and plate-like structures. The loading is derived as the sum of a mean component together with background and resonant fluctuating components. Precalculated loading factors@ based on the wind models in the Series@ are included in graphical and equation form for estimation of the fluctuating components. Load/velocity admittance factors@ which make allowance for the distortion of turbulence by the presence of the structure@ are also included. The input data necessary are discussed and@ where appropriate@ approximate values are provided. A calculation sheet for the method is included and its use illustrated with a worked example. ESDU 92036 provides computer programs for this method@ and for the similar method applied to line-like structures in ESDU 87035.

ESDU 88019 D-2007 history

  • 2007 ESDU 88019 D-2007 Calculation methods for along-wind loading. Part 3. Response of buildings and plate-like structures to atmospheric turbulence.

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