ASCE MOP 113-2023
Substation Structure Design Guide

Standard No.
ASCE MOP 113-2023
Release Date
Published By
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
ASCE MOP 113-2023

Sponsored by the Task Committee on Substation Structural Design of the Electrical Transmission Structures Committee of the Special Design Issues Technical Administrative Committee of the Technical Activities Division of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE Substation Structure Design Guide , MOP 113, Second Edition, documents electrical substation structural design practice and provides guidance and recommendations for the design of outdoor electrical substation structures. This publication offers an overview of structure types and typical electrical equipment. Topics include Definitions, electrical equipment, and structure types; Loading criteria for substation structures; Deflection criteria for operational loading; Method of analysis; Member and connection design; Foundations types; Connections to foundations; Quality control and quality assurance; Construction, maintenance, and testing; Retrofit of existing substation infrastructures; and Oil containment and barrier walls. MOP 113, Second Edition, combines the expertise from multiple fields, making this manual useful to utility engineers, manufacturers, and consulting firms interested in structural design guidance and outdoor electrical substation structures and foundations.

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