GOST R 59927-2021
Sports equipment safety standards system. Equipment for sports tourism. Climbing stand with holds indoor and outdoor areas. General technical requirements and test methods

Standard No.
GOST R 59927-2021
Release Date
Published By
Gosstandart of Russia
GOST R 59927-2021

This standard establishes the requirements, design features and testing methods of stands with hooks (hereinafter referred to as stands) for sports tourism, requirements for support points (hereinafter referred to as TO), and hooks. This standard applies to stands intended for equipping sports and tourist distances for training, competitions and other tourist activities in enclosed spaces.

GOST R 59927-2021 history

  • 2021 GOST R 59927-2021 Sports equipment safety standards system. Equipment for sports tourism. Climbing stand with holds indoor and outdoor areas. General technical requirements and test methods
Sports equipment safety standards system. Equipment for sports tourism. Climbing stand with holds indoor and outdoor areas. General technical requirements and test methods

Standard and Specification

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