High-Level NII/GII-Related Concepts Description

Standard No.
Release Date
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ATIS - Alliance for Telecommunications Industry Solutions
This document presents some high-level concepts and functionalities needed to support the realization of the NII/GII. However@ it is not expected to present all -inclusive detailed specifications for the NII/GII or the telecommunications portion of the NII/GII. Rather@ this document is intended to be used as a guiding input document for the development of detailed T1 standards to support the enhancement of the NII/GII. Purpose The US Government has recognized and championed the case for an industry -led focused pursuit of enhancing the National Information Infrastructure (NII). The NII is characterized by the integration and interconnection of resources@ via a ubiquitous set of interoperable networks. This infrastructure will integrate four essential elements: communications networks; information appliances (e.g.@ computers); information; and people@ and will have the ability to transmit information in a variety of formats@ including image@ data@ and voice. Similar to the motivations behind the evolution of current infrastructures towards an enhanced domestic NII@ there is also a need to evolve global infrastructures towards an enhanced Global Information Infrastructure (GII). As with the current NII/GII@ telecommunications plays a critical role. As such@ it is imperative that the telecommunications industry take an active role in helping to enhance the NII/GII. It is clear that the evolution towards an enhanced NII/GII will be driven in large part by standards work to ensure interoperability@ interworking@ integration@ and operation of various media and services. Committee T1@ as a prime contributor to the global telecommunications standardization arena@ will play a pivotal role in the evolution towards an enhanced NII/GII. The purpose of this document is to provide Committee T1's perspectives of high -level NII/GII-related concepts.

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