DIN 51918 E:2018-01
Testing of carbonaceous materials - Determination of bulk density by buoyancy method and the open porosity by impregnation with water - Solid materials

Standard No.
DIN 51918 E:2018-01
Release Date
Published By
Replace By
DIN 51918:2018-07
DIN 51918:2018-07

DIN 51918 E:2018-01 history

  • 2018 DIN 51918:2018-07 Testing of carbonaceous materials - Determination of bulk density and the open porosity
  • 2018 DIN 51918:2018 Testing of carbonaceous materials - Determination of bulk density and the open porosity
  • 2012 DIN 51918:2012 Testing of carbonaceous materials - Determination of bulk density and the open porosity
  • 1999 DIN 51918:1999 Testing of carbonaceous materials - Determination of bulk density by buoyancy method and the open porosity by impregnation with water - Solid materials
Testing of carbonaceous materials - Determination of bulk density by buoyancy method and the open porosity by impregnation with water - Solid materials

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