GOST R 59880-2021 Ergonomics. Design and application of speech technology tests. Methodology for determining the quality indicators of speech synthesis from text
This standard applies to speech synthesis from text [speech synthesizer, text to speech conversion] and establishes quality indicators for speech synthesis and measurement methods:
——semantic intelligibility of synthesized speech at normal and accelerated rates using the audit measurement method;
——intonation intelligibility of synthesized speech at normal and accelerated rates using the method of audit measurements;
——the naturalness of synthesized speech by the method of audit measurements of the magnitude of distortions in the naturalness of speech;
——quality of speech synthesis management by markup in the Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) format according to [1];
——text normalization quality
GOST R 59880-2021 history
2021GOST R 59880-2021 Ergonomics. Design and application of speech technology tests. Methodology for determining the quality indicators of speech synthesis from text