This standard specifies the dataset meta-attributes and data element attributes of the electronic medical record dataset for diabetes-specific care.
This standard is applicable to guiding the collection, storage, sharing, and development of information systems for basic patient information related to diabetes patients.
2 Normative References
The following documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For referenced documents with dates, only the dated versions apply to this document; for those without dates, their latest editions (including all amendments) apply to this document.
GB/T 2261-2003 Classification and Coding of Personal Basic Information
GB/T 3304-1991 Spelling Method and Code Table of Chinese Nationality Names in Roman Alphabet
GB/T 4568-2006 Educational Degree Codes
GB/T 14396-2016 Classification and Coding for Diseases
GB/T 2659-2000 Country and Region Name Codes
WS 218-2002 Classification and Coding of Health Institutions (Organizations)
WS 364-2023 Value Domain Code of Health Information Data Elements
WS 365-2011 Basic Electronic Medical Record Dataset for Urban and Rural Residents' Health Records
WS 445-2014 Basic Electronic Medical Record Dataset
WS 370-2012 Specifications for the Compilation of Basic Datasets of Health Information
T/CHINA 001-2017 Classification and Coding of Surgical Procedures and Operations
GB/T 4761-2008 Family Relationship Codes
GB/T 3304-1991 Spelling Method and Code Table of Chinese Nationality Names in Roman Alphabet
T/CHIA 7.9-2018 Electronic Medical Record Dataset for Hypertension Specialty Care
3 Terms and Definitions
The terms and definitions defined by WS 370-2012 apply to this document.
T/JSIA 0007-2024 history
2024T/JSIA 0007-2024 Specification for electronic medical record dataset of diabetes specialty
2023T/JSIA 0007-2023 Integrated cloud-edge collaboration platform operation and maintenance specifications